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Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Performance - "The Garden"

WOW!!!  All I can say is OMG!!!  (Oh my goodness)

I had no idea that this show would turn out so well.  I enjoyed transcribing the Overture and the Three Days Passing instrumental music, and turning it into sheet music.  Then I had to learn how to play it.

We performed this in the Chapel, so we had to strike everything after Saturday's performance, so that all the wards could hold their Sacrament Meetings on Sunday.  It took a while to get everything set up again after the last meeting at 4pm.

I am so amazed at how well the show went.  Our soloists were wonderful!  The scenery was luscious and green.  The mics worked well.  We had great audiences.  Saturday was well-attended.  However, Sunday evening was full, as I knew it would be.  And I had a blast playing the piano for the entire time.  It was only one hour and ten minutes.

Our cast was incredible.  And even more amazing was that every person involved in the show was from one of the three wards in our building.

Director - Staci Langston
Accompanist - Brenda Reep
Narrator - Jill Christian Di Pietro
The Man - Rex Oliver
The Gardener - Matt Valantine
The Landlord - Jim Sevy
The Millstone - Ken Sizemore
The Barren Tree - Kayleen Leith
The Ram - Lee Sizemore
The Seedling - Shannon Sizemore

You guys were awesome!!!   Thanks for a great show!  What a wonderful way to spend this Easter Weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Your show was awesome is an understatement. I heard someone say you should take it to the Tabernacle and do it again.
